Capital Area Deck Washing

Capital Area Deck Washing
Serving The Capital Area

Offering quality service at competitive rates!

Located in Schenectady, NY 12309
Call Nick at (518) 461-2873
Email: [email protected]

Most decks stripped for ~ $120
Most decks stripped and stained for ~ $325

Services Offered

At capital area deck washing we specialize in pressure washing decks and re-staining them.
Other services include:
  • Fence Cleaning
  • Patios
  • Drive-Ways
  • Concrete

Why pressure wash?

Pressure washing is a key step in making your deck, patio fence etc. look great! Pressure washing removes dirt, mold and grim along with old stains, paint old finishes from the surface and opens the pores of the wood, preparing it to be stained or painted.

Why stain?

Staining a deck is great investment in your deck. You payed good money to have your deck built and love using it right? If you stain your deck you put a protective layer between the wood and the elements. Most stains are water proof and help to keep water from rotting your deck. This will not only make your deck look great but will extend the life of your deck as well!